Let me just start by saying that. I was blessed with a long weekend (Friday-Monday) and on top of that it's the sunniest, warmest weekend in Seattle yet this year! I was determined to make the most of it and to MAKE myself relax and refresh. Just had to share some highlights thus far...crazy thing is it's ONLY Saturday and I figured I should make one already...this weekend alone just may bring forth TWO
s i m p l i c i t y notes! Now THAT is a good weekend people :)
#1 My lovely trainer Heidi has been subtly hinting for a long time now that I should invest in some running shoes...legit ones. Each week my running mileage increases and each week she suggests the new shoe angle...but alas I am cheap and I REALLY want my $15 bright yellow K-Mart running shoes to do the trick. I told myself they were...until last week when I literally wore a hole in them...
So, as a long weekend treat to myself I let myself invest in new (expensive) running shoes :) I even denied myself the bright yellow ones I adored to purchase the ones that are actually good for my feet! Also I got a nice new teal, 32 oz Contigo water bottle (including pop up straw). This was also a necessity since my other one had cracked and it was difficult to drink from without water dribbling down my chin. (This makes it appear as though one is drooling...)
So pretty much I have become that person who spends my time and money on athletic accessories...never thought I would see the day...
#2 I did a 5 mile run in my brand new shoes and with my brand new water bottle while watching Pride and Prejudice :)
#4 I cleaned and finished my laundry on Thursday so I could legitimately relax for the rest of my "vacation"
#5 Yesterday my other roommate Danielle and I drove to surprise Lissy at school for her birthday...turns out her school is near a Sonic...so I let myself have a strawberry lime aid and we also wondered around Target for far too long...forgot how big a Target could be! (Downside of City Target)
#6 I spent today at a beautiful rocky/sandy beach on the Puget Sound with a clear blue sky overlooking the snow capped Olympic Mountains sitting in a beach chair just chatting and soaking up the sun with my feet in the sand :)
#8 Got free Tanzania iced coffee from my favorite barrista :)
#9 I came home and lathered myself in aloe lotion and whipped out the summer jammies! I made a very veggie dinner and watched some of Harriet the Spy...old school I know! (I should include here that I was inspired randomly to watch it while hot tubbing with Erica when she asked me if my fingers were pruny...HA)
#10 I am currently sitting in my bed with fresh, crisp, green sheets, Lincoln curled up at the bottom, balcony door wide open and a strawberry/almond butter smoothie. Also a sugar blossom candle going...mmmm Done.
#11 I hung up a yellow balloon in my room :)
#12 I purchased a tiny bright green elephant watering can from the Target $ bins. Now I just need something to water!
#13 I gave Lincoln a bath and took a long walk
#14 Spent a lot less money than planned and am having an amazingly wonderful weekend already!
#15 I smell like sunshine! Red arms and face and aloe/natural glow lotion soaking in and my hair is all salty and tousled! Welcome to Seattle, summer :)
#16 It's ONLY Saturday!!!!
To be continued..............
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