In case you don't know what this is, this is just a little thing I came up with a few years back to remind myself to see the good in EVERY day and EVERY situation. Sometimes I write them when all is well with the world and I just want to share with everyone and other times (like this one) I write them to force myself to see how wonderful life still is despite whatever little mess I find myself in.
#1 God was good to us and helped us catch something before it got much, MUCH worse. While it was not a pleasant find, it was great timing and I am ALWAYS thankful to be living according to HIS time and not my own.
#2 We stumbled across an ad on Craigslist for an AMAZING condo that we get to look at this coming Saturday. It seems to have everything that all 3 of us have been looking for and at a price that we can all afford..which is saying A LOT. Of course Jesus is going to take care of us and provide every need and desire because he is just wonderful like that.
#3 Today I got a sunburn. Now, I understand how you might not track with me on this one...BUT here in Seattle we are lucky if it hits 75 and we can wear shorts. So to have a day where it's sunny enough to get burnt despite lathering up in sun block, I am pretty happy about it. I just LOVE the smell of sunshine on my skin! (Not sun block, actual's true, you can.)
#4 Tonight for dinner I had a Peanut Passion smoothie from Emerald City Smoothie...that would be a combo of peanut butter, banana, and strawberry. Yum.
#5 I got to go on a run today. The coolest part is I ran around Seattle and then to the gym...that is way cool.
#6 I worked on a story book I have been writing tonight and thought through the illustrations on my balcony overlooking the water and some lovely trees right as the sun was setting.
#7 Last night I went to a party on my friend's roof overlooking the city. There was even a dog park and Lincoln hung out there and wore his American Apparel hoodie. I sort of felt cool.
#8 I had toast with butter and honey for breakfast this morning...although it took me 3 tries because the toaster burnt the first two pieces. But it was so yummy and so worth it.
#9 Watched the Olympics tonight. Makes everything better ALWAYS.
Well, for now that's all I've got. But...take some time to find the good in your day. I promise it's there, it's the simple things, even if you have to look really hard sometimes! Let me know what you find!
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