I am finally getting to be a kids pastor again! I mean I suppose I have been all along, but now there are actually kids...well kid for now :)
I moved to Seattle, Washington almost a year ago with some of my closest friends and fellow pastors to be a part of a completely organic church plant called Transit Assembly. I am the Life Development pastor meaning I minister to little babies that have just been born until they are adults (whenever that may be ha ha). Since we are reaching a very alternative demographic, we had yet to encounter any kids until this past month! So while I have been loving that God has allowed me to be a part of this and also loving my day job as a nanny, my heart longed to pastor kiddos!
And then last week, Noah showed up! An extremely adorable and lovable little tike. I am so honored to spend each week planning ways to show him the love of Jesus and thinking of creative ways to serve him and his family. SO thankful that God gave me the desire of my heart here at Transit and I can't wait to see all that he has in store.
It was hard to remember in the beginning stages when I was doing a lot of odds and ends that I didn't necessarily LOVE doing that it was all to prepare for this season. If you find yourself in a place or season that you aren't too fond of, remember that God has you there for a reason and it is most likely to set you up for bigger more beautiful things. Embrace every place and season in your life!
(That there is me searching through curriculum and printing fun things to do at Transit Kids...with my silly crazy Lincoln puppy of course.)