Saturday, May 19, 2012

It all started with a Tooth Paste Commercial

September 7, 2008

sooo i know that i have written on this several times before...but now that i am that place that God has called me to be...i have a different angel.

i would just like to say that i am so honored to be here. that God could use little old me from suburban ohio just blows my mind! i wonder every day why he has chosen me...and then i can do nothing but thank him for using me!

but that's what makes God so amazing. he likes to use the people like that because he loves it when we look back and wonder how we got here...and we can't deny that he carried us every step of the way!

i suppose i am just amazed that before i even understood the tiniest thing about God, he was at work in my heart and in my life. i still vividly remember that tooth paste commercial of the women smiling in zimbabwe...and i was bound and determined that my pen pal would be from could i have possibly known in the third grade that God was already instilling a love in my heart for a nation and for people that wouldn't enter my life for another 20 years! that is why I believe in God.

because time and time again i stand back in amazment at where we've come from and where he has me going!

i have learned a lot in the past two weeks that i have been at cbc. i have learned old testament facts and history, the basics of philosophy and of theology, how to pray for missions, the principles of evangelism...but the coolest things that i have experienced so far is the people.

i love to hear the stories here! every single one of them! because every story is unique just like every person...and although some are still searching...God stirred their hearts enough to get them here and they stepped out in that much faith! at least i knew that i was called to missions and that this is where i needed to be for that major. but those who are still waiting on God! wow!!! i mean God will totally bless that blind and child like faith!

the truth of the matter is that we are all here for a reason and that amazes me...even if we're not sure where we're headed...God knew that we would all be here in this place for this exact season...and he knew exactly why!

i have gained a great respect for everyone here at cbc. professors and people from every area of ministry because everyone here has some wisdom and some personal God story to share!

so i just want to encourage everyone here to pay attention to that! be thankful whereever you are...whereever God has placed you for this moment and start looking for his purpose! and most of all soak up everything around you! and everyone around you! don't take anyone or anything for granted because a great big beautiful God placed it all in your life for his divine cause!

i don't know if that's where i was meaning to go...but once again....God knew and so here it is.

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