Saturday, May 19, 2012

the end of the beginning

May 1, 2009
the end of the beginning

it’s hard to believe that just a little over a year ago i made the best decision of my life thus far.
to pack up my life, and move across the country to springfield
i did not know much about this place or about this central bible college…but there was something inside of me that just made me believe that I had to do it.
and from the the very first contact I had with the school until this morning at 5am when I loaded my stuff into the car, i have just continued to fall in love with cbc, its purpose and this beautiful season in life.

first there was justin and dean…nothing short of saints who answered every single silly (but very important ) question that I could possibly think of. for the record you two, i was just super excited and i was not going to get to visit and so i just wanted to feel like I was a part from so far away..and it’s your job!!! that you do oh so well. But for real, thanks for truly being there and going out of your way to make me sure that cbc was going to be home. for praying with me and being patient…and still being patient..ha ha

and then my wonderful roomie abbie and the one and only heartsong. that was all I got to see of cbc before I packed up my life and transferred 15 hours south…or west…or something like that. there was no time for visits, but it just happened that heartsong was coming to a church near me…and well i checked them out…and bought everything I could…and I won’t lie I stole a few cbc pens. But instantly i could just sense the presence of God and the atmosphere that was on that campus. I wanted so badly to become a part of that. so three cheers for heartsong…way to represent…
and then when little abbie knelt down on that stage, and God bless her little heart she answered every single questions my parents could throw at her in that short amount of time. and gosh, look where we are today

and for all of the people who answered the phones and for my wonderful RAs who just took me right in.

and then there was the office. i didn’t even see it coming. i just wanted to work on the paper, i had no idea it would suck me in…but it did, and i am so glad it did. i can’t even begin to recount the endless hilariously, awkward moments and scenes that have gone down in that office. But i am so thankful for every one of them…they made the year for sure. i mean, it was also a great study place….

and the caf. our table that was so popular we had to expand by the end of the year…and the food….well you know ;)

and just the people. all of them. the spirit and the joy and the love of Christ in the air.

I LOVE CBC. (Ash could never tell you how many times i said that this year…)

and then there are the kids. jbq and kids church and miah and well i don't like leaving kids all the time...

and to my adoptive family. who fed me and fixed my dresses and my hair and donated endless tanks of gas and laundry detergent...thank you. you truly have become like family and it will be so hard to spend 4 months without our crazy evenings....

but I mean it with all of my heart. i don’t know how exactly God got me from ohio to missouri, but i am so glad he did. And i would go through all that he took me through no matter how painful all over again, if this is where i would end up.

so blessed and rich and surrounded by love and friendship and support. Cbc, you are my family.

and while i am so excited to be going home, my heart breaks a little inside. four months is a very very long time to go without my family…on either end…

i just love every single one of you. i kind of feel a little empty….like it was all a dream…like it’s too good to be true.

but the coolest part is i know it isn’t. you are all so very real and alive to me and i know that ican come to anyone of you and…i’m probably gonna start crying…but that just means the world to me.

i just don’t even know how to put it into words. i really really don’t…sometimes i just wish i could have the best of both worlds. ..but since that is not possible I will suffer through the transition and withdrawl from my cbc family knowing that wherever we are and whatever we do, we will be in each others hearts. and we will spend this summer growing and learning and come back together stronger and closer and ready to start all over and pick up right where we left off.

so may you be blessed this summer cbc. be refreshed and relaxed. allow God to grow you and change you and just continue to make you all he has created you to be.

and for goodness sake…PLEASE keep in touch. any hour of any day…

miss you and love you all :/

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