Saturday, May 19, 2012

an a f r i c a n sunday

June 28, 2009


this morning started out with a quick trip to the grocery store to pick up some meat for the bry.

bry [br-ii] similar to grilling, however they also have them inside because they adore meat here..and i mean meat meat. not wimpy little chickens.

then it was off to walvis bay..pastor kedrick's church to be exact.

today was children's church! score that would be my favorite if you know ANYTHING about me ha ha.

first lesson today...have lots of extra things planned and be super good at making things up if you are ever to run any sort of children's program in africa.

you know how we have schedules here and like sunday lunch appointments??? yes well they don't here. we finished the planned program about half way through the time that we actually had the kids. made up some games, reenacted a bible story which involved kids climbing mountains of chairs, and even played prayer ball.

don't know what that is? neither did we.

but it was amazing. mark threw the ball to each kid and if they caught it they had to pray. and not one of those kids shied away. they bowed their heads and prayed just like that. and i was jealous. prayer ball is certainly coming to my kids church SOON.

when they were finally done preaching in the room downstairs we all breathed out deeply. and then headed downstairs to entertain them again. ha ha children's ministry at it's best.

we waited for a while..the kids got a hold of our cameras ha ha when don't they? and so we got lots of's pretty easy to pick me out in all of them if you know what i girl was stroking my hair ha ha. they were just sooo sweet all of them.

these people are just wonderful. the kids, the grown ups, mark and kim. we are just really truly blessed.

anyways. the kids still wanted to play with me even following my disastrous puppet skit with nort ha ha. let's just say that is not my strong point and when mark offered to bring him along again tomorrow you can bet that i declined. although he said what makes a good puppet person is someone who converses well with themself...and while it is sad to admit this, i do that well and all too often. but then we all knew that.

we got out the sumo suits and suited up these precious little african kids and let them at it...stay tuned for pictures of that. i promise they are absolutely entertaining.

finally we ate. our first african meal. some macaroni, borsch (a sausage like meat...only it's real meat), kim's potato salad and homemade african rolls. oh and kim's oatmeal raisin cookies....see what i am saying!!! anyways. it was good...

funny also brought us chicken shichcabobs (excuse that spelling) and so they saved them for us. and someone asked if they could have them...and the lady said

"no they are for dr. sunny and the americans, they don't eat meat..." ha ha ha

then becky and i got to talk to these wonderful women for sooo long and they were asking us questions and we got to ask them questions and it was just one of my favorite things in the world meeting new people and learning about their life and their world and their heart. there is just no better way to spend your time.

and you know something about this place that i love that we have forgotten in soon as these people see someone new, they walk up look you right in the eye give you a firm hand shake and just genuinely notice your presence. and by the end of the day or the time that you have spent with them, you are hugging them goodbye.

i miss that and i think that we all should.

america is a great land that i truly love. however i think that we have lost site of what is most the midst of our technology and money and having way more that we actually need, we have lost the need and the desire to really really value people.

we should work on getting that back...just saying.

a long time later...we headed out in the bright yellow truck for home.

on the way we stopped to pick up breanna...mark was very upset about missing the sunset so he jerked the door shut by jolting forward and then proceeded to fly up the dunes just in time to miss it while the rest of us attempted to keep whatever food was in our stomach in our stomach ha ha.

as soon as we got home becky and i absolutely crashed...for 2 hours to be exact...until kim woke us up.

i had been doing some intense research on the theological seminary in malawi...and not getting very far....and then i just stopped in my sundress and earings and necklace and all and fell asleep.

it was wonderful to say the least...although now i am not sleepy and we have a 5:30 alarm calling for a 7:00 school assembly....hmmm...the story of my life.

so that song..."crucified...laid behind the stone...i totally always thought it said laid behind the storm...and today it all clicked for me...funny that i understood it better when they africans sang it....perhaps i really do speak their language...or i am really african! it could be true you know. there are white africans everywher here.

oh and they all call me precious

ok now for the best song ever....yes even more so than jesus you are my superhero.

imaging a jazzy do-op beast in the background.

i like bananas but mangos are sweet
i like papayas (papayas?) but nothing can beat
the sweet love of God
do do op do do op do do op
the sweet love of God
do do op do do op do do op

i was walking in circles
five miles an hour
searching and searching for a love that has power
the world tasted sweet but then turned so sour
but when i met you lord i received your power
i said 1-2-3

ha ha ha i loooove it.

well that is plenty for this evening. becky is falling asleep waiting for her laptop back...and i am so not tired. perhaps i shall entertain her with every single song that i have in my brain again this evening. last night's set consisted of the donut man, steve green, and the books of the bible in one breath :)

good night all
thank you for your love prayers and support and for reading!
more to come!

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