Saturday, May 19, 2012

this is a f r i c a

July 1, 2009

so we got to sleep in today...until 8:30 ha ha hey i will take whatever i can get.

we got up and ate some delicious pancakes. she had blueberry, chocolate chip, and plain. which meant i had to eat at least two. tricky tricky kimpossible got me again! i have will power everywhere else except with this woman ha ha

then mark headed over to walvis bay to get the puppets he left at the car dealership yesterday. and kim went to get cardboad so that we can start constructing palm trees.

in the mean time, becky and i planned the kids chior devotional.
we went with guarding your tongue. mostly because i wanted to teach them the fun steve green song, and play telephone and use that cool passage in james about a spark starting a forest fire.
you must try.

"keep you tongue from evil keep your tongue
keep your tongue from evil keep your tongue
and your lips from speaking lies
keep your tongue from evil keep your tongue"

simng it through a few times, but then sing it while holding your tongue. i promise you will sound silly and that's why it's so fun :)
anyways. around 2 we headed out to pick up kids.
becky and i rode in the back the best place to be with like 6 kids all over town. it was like indescribable and they were like we love your hair we love your hair how do you make it that soft? and they thought it was so funny how it blew everywhere and in our mouths and such.
i told them that if they had it they wouldn't like it, it's not very african friendly.

at kids chior they sang some songs and then becky and i led the devotional. we talked about gossip and that we speak what is in our hearts.
if jesus lives in our hearts than only things that he would say or be proud of should come out of our mouths.
they had strawberry cupcakes from auntie kim and pop in glass bottles. they also held and intense debate as to where chior should meet from now on.
that was entertaining.

earlier today, while kim was trying to book us a place to stay up in itosha this weekend (that is the animal park) mark called and said the pastor from the drc would like me to bring the word tonight.
then he told me this story about how one time in mexico they asked him at 3 to preach the evening service and how it just didn't go well and he would never ask anyone to do that...
but he said...
it's not 3 yet ha ha

so i decided to just speak about what the lord has really made close to my heart and what i feel most passionate about.
and that is joy
i always say that if i lost everything else and i had nothing to offer i would want to be left with joy. the ability to laugh and to smile and to find the good in everyone and in everything.
and also seasons. the trees cycle through these seasons and that we must learn to have joy in every one of them.

so kim took us on a pretour of the drc which stands for developent replacement location. basically if people want to move out of the villages and try to settle in the city, they don't want them cluttering the streets of the city. so they make an area on the outskirts of the city that they can settle in.
it is all cardboard homes with no running water or electricity.

so tonight we picked up our good friend seno and headed out to the church in drc.
it is a simple little building with a sand floor and one light bulb hanging from the ceiling.
but we walked into this beautiful time of worship.
strong and loud and alive.
they were dancing around the room
there was no music no instruments just this beautiful group of people singing from their hearts in the only way that they know how
and then they would break into these long prayer times of crying out to God and just praying in the spirit.

when they were finished they did announcements which i rather enjoyed.

announcement #1 God is good
announcement #2 God is good
announcement #3 God is good.

oh papa francisco, i love that man.

then they introduced me.
i am not too accustomed to speaking in front of adults ever...let alone in africa and another language...
so i just started.
i just said what was on my heart
that God invites each and every one of us to experience genuine joy. and he asks nothing of us but to trust him and believe the promises that he makes to us. he made them to david long ago and he still keeps them today. nothing that he says returns void. he calls each of us and appoints us to do things bigger than we could ever imagine. and when we belive this, we will be sent forth in joy.
this is isaiah 55. please read it. and read 54 while you are at it, they are beautiful passages that have just really spoken to my heart.

and then i talked about trees.
you know i always do
it's the tiny bit of hippie in me...ha ha

but this was slightly difficult because trees don't work the same way here.
they are always pretty here.
so there were two lessons in one....if you want to say that.

so in summer when the leaves are full and green and alive, those are the blessed and abundant times in our life.
and then autumn comes and the leaves begin to change colors. we never know when exactly this will happen, and while we are somewhat sad that summer is ending, we always enjoy the beautiful changes that happen in this season. and it is the same in life. we never know when change is coming and we aren't always ready to leave the last season, but when we finally see it completed, we are able to see how beautiful it is.
and then there is winter. when it is cold and bitter and lonely. and the branches break and split and stand so cold and dark. and how may times do we face this season in life. and all we want to do is go back and we feel cold and alone. but we just keep thinking back to those other seasons..
and then springtime comes. and the little buds show up on the trees. and we have hope that summer is coming once again.
but what we have to remember that every season is crucial in our walk with christ and we must come to appreciate every one and to be joyful no matter which one we are in.
that was the shortened version...i wrote the rest in a note a long time can check it out sometimes...

it was a little difficult because i am not really a preacher...i work with kids and i tend to be a little more soft spoek than most africans...ok every african.
but they were agreeing.
it was hard to remember to speak slow...ha ha i wonder why.

but you know what. they were just loving and open people and they were blessed.
and i was used of God to bless some people.
the coolest part is what seno and pastor shared.
they said that this same message had been preached last thursday and on sunday and that they knew the lord was really trying to speak to them.
that i was very in tune with the hold spirit because he is needing them to hear that.
that was just confirmation for me. praise the lord.

and you know what, it was way out of my element, i had no clue what i was doing (i just knew i was glad that i didn't have to make that monkey talk) but they were so welcoming. and i felt so privileged and honored to have that opportunity.
and i learned something too.
i almost felt guilty for teaching them about joy.
there i was only a little bit into my africa trip with everything i need and more. i will go home to everything i need and more...and i don't always have the joy i need
but here is a group of people with nothing. absolutely nothing.
and they were so alive and full of joy and so grateful. when they took up the offereing the quoted scripture and sang praises about how wonderful it is to give.

it was just really really wondeful. and i was very blessed as i am daily here.
we took a huge group photo. it started with esther, my first official translator and eventually the whole church wanted in. these africans and photos ha ha.
then we headed home. mark wanted feed back from the day
and he asked if i would be willing to do that again.
i had to barter.
10 more speaking engagements if the puppet never has to come out again.
he argues i need the puppet.
we reached a settlement.
i'll do the puppet if we can practice together at home more first.
he is serious about this puppet lol except we don't even really know what his name is because we all call him something different.
anyways. i got myself lined up for another teaching night tomorrow ha ha.
soo we ate some dinner and then i made some phone

the lord is just speaking to me and showing me things and just pulling me and stretching me and growing me. and i am so thankful. i just want to soak it all lup all of it.

laundry day tomorrow becuase this weekend we go on tour...ha ha just kidding but we will be trveling around the country.

alright faithful readers. thank you again for reading and praying and supporting me.
i love you and well i am praying for all of you as well :)

more to come.

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